hate monday !!! Today, I wasn't really performed at work. Badan me macam lemah with a headache yang menggangu and buat me rasa nak kerja half day. but dont think so, early morning dah ada sales meeting, all about figure. adduss!! bertambah pening kepala ni. what to do, this is the way i choose. like it or not me still need to face it.
farina start the figure with the million2 of the sales will be reporting by this week, make us very small. huh!! what a bad day monday. me ?? still counting days .. how much need to report pun me dun know..
after meeting, terus ada musyarat tingkap with haidayah and Lina, emm that rite, lina memang lucu .. ketawa aja dia ..me cant imagine, if she left the branch sunyi laa hidup ini. dont left 1st ya ... .
hope everything is find...
The Dreaded Monday is fast approaching - If you hate Monday's thats your Business, We love Monday's thats our Business - Start loving Mondays - http://www.bizopprofits.com
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ni mesti malas nak pergi kerja....